

‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it’ (Peter Drucker)

Using technology, we can accurately and reliably collect objective data to help you move better, perform better and return to play faster. We take the guess work out of movement assessment by using a state of the art movement screening system to show us what the eye can’t see.


Our Technology

We use HumanTrak, a 3D motion capture and biomechanical analysis technology which allows you to measure and assess your range of motion, balance and stability. We take you through a full assessment and generate a report of how your body moves and areas for improvement.


We provide solutions for individuals who are struggling to exercise and keep fit, to smash through their barriers and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. Helping people to enjoy family life and compete in sport to the highest level.

Why Choose Us

We don’t try to fit square pegs in round holes, we have lots of different clinicians so we can get the right fit for you depending on your injury and goals. We also provide the clinicians with cutting edge technology in order to get the best results.

What To Expect

You can expect to see a clinician who will be passionate about helping you achieve your goals, will take time to understand you as a person and support you in achieving those goals.

What We Treat

Who is it for?

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Sports teams

Professional teams screen their athletes routinely, we can visit your club and screen your athletes to give you baseline measures to help focus training, guide prehabilitation and monitor athletes through the season.



Do you want to take a professional approach to your training? Well screening can help you keep on track, fine tune and focus your training.


Injured athletes

Our screening tests can accurately analyse your movements and strength, aiding decision making on when it is safe to return to play. Have you had ankle or knee surgery? Our testing can help you.



Looking after your work force is becoming more and more essential, and our workforce screening can help your workers stay fit, reduce injuries and reduce time off work. We can come to your place of work and perform a screening day for your staff.

The Process


Taking a history – we take a detailed history from you, this will include the sport you compete in, your training, goals, and also any medical history that will help us to understand your current situation and where you want to go!


Based on the history, we will use a battery of tests that are specific to you and your goals, this will include movement screening using a 3d motion tracking system to accurately assess your movement and strength testing.


We will talk you through our findings and produce you a report that has all of the data collected and our recommendations. This allows you to keep a record and share it with your coach.


We accept private medical insurance from: