Tyler Dunning

Tyler Dunning
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, and have you achieved anything significant doing these things?
I Love cars and have just recently been fortunate enough to purchase my favourite car. I love tinkering with things. how can i make it better. the New car has replaced my spare time hobbies of gardening and house plants
What are the top 3 items on your bucket list
1. Trek the Amazon by land and boat
2. Dive the Great barrier Reef
3. See my Kids having fun (what’s on the other side of fear)
Who would be the 3 guests at your dinner table?
1. David Attenborough
2. James May
3. The Queen
Give a brief overview of you ‘career highlights’
Building the longest bridge since world war 2. during conflict so I have a rosette on my medal
Actually going to University. I was always told I was a flop at school. To add 2 Universities!!!
super grateful
Having wonderful Kids
What area of the body do you most like working with?
I don’t think I have found that yet. But knee I think I understand it well enough to get positive rehab