Tyler Dunning


Tyler Dunning

Tyler Dunning


I am a Performance Coach with over 10 years’ experience in optimising human performance and recovery from injury.

My interests in this area began in the British Army where I served 12 years within the UK and overseas. Whilst being fully trained as a combat engineer, I also specialised in becoming a physical training instructor, implementing training and rehabilitation programmes for military personnel. I gained my qualifications in personal training, strength and conditioning and, Olympic lifting. Being adventurous and enjoying fitness outdoors, I also qualified as an outdoor activity instructor, specifically for hill walking, rock climbing, kayaking, and skiing. Throughout this time, I was able to work with a diverse range of military personnel in realising their potential and assisting them to achieve what they didn’t think possible.

After suffering a serious knee injury through playing rugby, my passion grew in injury prevention (Prehabilitation) and strengthening (Rehabilitation). Ever since, my aim has been to help others obtain insight into how their body works to avoid possible injury and achieve their goals.

Furthering my education, I studied for a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science, allowing me to build on my existing expertise and skill set. Coupled with my passion for fitness and knowledge of human anatomy, I am able to advise exercises that explicitly identify areas to improve or develop. I really enjoy helping people achieve their goals, whether it be improving athletic ability, gaining muscle or fat loss or getting back to being pain free and doing what you enjoy – I will provide a comprehensive programme covering all aspects needed to find your untapped potential.