John Clark


About Orthotics

Orthotists are autonomous registered practitioners who provide gait analysis and engineering solutions for patients who have problems with neuro, muscular or skeletal systems. Even though we work independently, we often work alongside other members of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.

We treat a variety of different patients including adults and children which may suffer from    Arthritis, Orthopaedic related conditions, Neurological conditions like Stroke or M.S. and diabetic related foot problems.

We design and provide orthoses that modify the structural or functional characteristics of the patient’s neuro-muscular and skeletal systems enabling patients to mobilise better, eliminate gait deviations, reduce falls, reduce pain and prevent injury.

An orthosis is an externally applied device. It may also be called a ‘brace’, ‘splint’ or ‘orthotic’.

The purpose and design of an orthosis may change over time along with the changing needs of the patient. Commonly fitted Orthoses are Foot Orthoses (insoles), Ankle Foot Orthoses (ankle braces and supports), Knee Orthoses (Knee braces) and Spinal Orthoses (Back Braces). 


John Clark


I obtained a B.Tech Degree in Orthotics and Prosthetics (Cum Laude) from Tshwane University Of Technology, Pretoria South Africa.

I completed my internship and first year as qualified practitioner in the Government Health System before moving to Ireland in 2007 to further my career

After relocating to Ireland, I worked for a Private Orthotics Firm who provided contracted Orthotic Services to the Irish Health Service Executive.

In 2011 I relocated to UK and have since worked (and continue to) for Various Orthotic Companies who are contracted to provide Orthotic Services to the NHS.

I have been privileged to work with highly talented individuals in various clinic settings including Paediatric, Neuro, Orthopaedic, Rheumatology and Diabetic and over time, this has given me the opportunity to develop and nurture a wide range of clinical skills and experience.