James Potter


James Potter 3dde671311f2db60611c81301c016068

James Potter


What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, and have you achieved anything significant doing these things?

Motocross  – have been riding for the last 40 years – semi retired from racing now. Highest level I competed at was British Championship level, crashed and injured myself many times so can bring lived experience to rehab and understand the mental aspect of getting back to performance following injury.

Running  – done mostly for cardio training for the motocross with pretty good PBs:  sub 19 5k, sub 40 10k, sub 1.30 1/2  and sub 3.15 marathon

Cycling – mountain biking and road cycling just for giggles with friends.

Skiing and snowboarding when I have time, I enjoy the great outdoors!

What are the top 3 items on your bucket list

1. See the northern lights
2. Compete/complete in Le Touquet beach race in France
3. Ride across America

Who would be the 3 guests at your dinner table?

1.Ewan McGregor
2. Joey Dunlop
3. My dad

Give a brief overview of you ‘career highlights’

Qualified in 2023 from the University of Hertfordshire

Completed junior and senior rotations within the NHS at Ipswich Hospital

Worked successfully in private practice for 10 years in Woodbridge

Led the physio / rehab team at ITFC academy for 6 years

Worked as a senior leader and clinical lead at a large social enterprise providing physio for the NHS in Suffolk, developing amongst other things, a highly regarded education/training programme.

Achieved my Advanced Practice accreditation with the Centre of Advanced Practice with NHSEngland in 2023

What area of the body do you most like working with?

lower limb


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