Matt Moliver



Matt Moliver


What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, and have you achieved anything significant doing these things?

I love to Snowboard when we’re able to get to the mountains.

My wife has convinced me to Scuba dive whic is great and have done my PADI qualificaation

I really enjoy training and fitness, largely based around weight training but more recently enjoying cycling.

Trying, very slowly, to learn German which is making slight progress

What are the top 3 items on your bucket list

1. Snowboarding in Japan and backcountry snowboarding
2. Travel around New Zealand exploring the North and South Islands

Who would be the 3 guests at your dinner table?

1. My wife
2. Brian Cox (the physicist)
3. Jonny WIlkinson

Give a brief overview of you ‘career highlights’

BSc Exercise and Sports Science

MSc Physiotherapy

MSc Advanced MSK Assessment and Practice

Working in MSK for 9 years for the NHS and private practice.

Clinical MSK Specialist in Suffolk MSK involved in teaching and development of junior staff as well as woring with patients who have previoulsy not made the progress they want to

Working with GP practices in Suffolk providing injection and assessment services for MSK conditions

Working with Rheuamtolgoy services providing assessment and screening of conditions

What area of the body do you most like working with?

I enjoy working with shoulder based complaints as well as lower limb tendon complaints.


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